Help for Stories of Bethem: Full Moon

Important information

Getting started

Main menu

You can change the audio, gamepad and keyboard settings in the title screen. Select an option to modify them or start your adventure.

Starting a new game

Select Play in the main menu and go to the file loading screen to start your new game.

Loading screen

Select a file to start. You'll be able to save in any slot at any time: you can choose the first file and save your game in the third one if you want to.


If you already started a game, you'll be able to load it in this screen.


Status area: health and magic

The first thing you should be aware of is the status area, at the upper-right corner of the screen. You'll find your health points (HP) and magic points (MP) there.


If Khoma runs out of health points, you'll return to the last checkpoint. This usually occurs when changing of zone or getting in caves, dungeons or houses. But don't worry: your progress will not be lost.


Restoring MP and HP

Casting spells requires an amount of magic points depending on each orb.

They are various ways to restore some magic points:

  • Sky-blue crystals. They appear when destroying objects or defeating monsters. You cannot keep them in your inventory.
  • Potions. You can buy them to the Trading Brothers or find them inside chests.
  • Yellow Potion fountains. They restore MP and HP to the max.
  • Game saving. This will restore up to 50% of HP and 60% of MP.
  • Auto-regeneration. Magic points are regenerated with the time. Take a look to the next article to know more about it.


MP auto-regeneration

Unlike health points, magic points are restored over time. The first points will be regenerated very fast. But the more amount of points you have, the more difficulties you'll have to restore points by this process.

You can improve your bracelet to restore magic points faster.


Adventures in Bethem

Explorando el reino

El reino de Bethem es extenso y está lleno de monstruos y obstáculos que complicarán tu exploración.

Encontrarás el camino bloqueado en muchas ocasiones. Si eso ocurre, puede deberse a tres motivos:

  • Necesitas usar un hechizo. Es posible que necesites un nuevo orbe para tomar el camino que quieres explorar.
  • Necesitas resolver un puzle. En otras ocasiones, tendrás que usar tus habilidades para resolver un rompecabezas o activar algún interruptor.
  • La zona no es accesible aún. Es posible que tengas que superar una mazmorra anterior o echar un vistazo al Libro Onírico de la Biblioteca de Bethem. ¡Echa un vistazo al mapa para conocer tu objetivo!

¡No olvides que la exploración es la clave del juego!


Explorando las mazmorras

Existen varias mazmorras repartidas por el reino de Bethem. Algunas de ellas son opcionales y proporcionan elementos adicionales que pueden ayudarte en tu aventura.

Las mazmorras son lugares repletos de rompecabezas y monstruos en los que deberás usar tus habilidades, inteligencia y memoria (bueno, y paciencia).

Cuando explores una mazmorra, no pierdas de vista la zona inferior derecha de la pantalla: podrás conocer cuántas llaves has obtenido y puedes usar y conocer si hay algo que hacer en una sala para poder avanzar. En este último caso, se mostrará un indicador con forma de pieza de puzle morado.


  • Usa el mapa de la mazmorra. A medida que explores, se generará un mapa que puede ayudarte a entender la organización de las salas. Ten en cuenta que en algunas mazmorras o en el Modo Gloria no podrás usarlo.
  • Reinicia los puzles. Si has cometido un error, puedes salir y volver a entrar en una sala para reiniciar el rompecabezas.
  • Observa el indicador de acción en la sala. Si aparece en la esquina inferior derecha de la pantalla, hay algo por hacer en la sala para resolver un puzle.


Improve your stats

Mejorar el brazalete

Para usar hechizos, necesitas un brazalete. A medida que avances en el juego, notarás que el que has obtenido se ha quedado desfasado.

Un mejor brazalete no sólo hará que recuperes puntos de magia más rápido, sino que los hechizos serán más poderosos y podrás lanzarlos a mayor velocidad.


Mejorar salud y magia

La única forma de aumentar los puntos mágicos y de salud es mediante las Mejoras HP/MP y Súper Mejoras. Las Mejoras normales aumentarán en 2 tus puntos de salud o magia mientras que las Súper Mejoras aumentarán ambos en 5 puntos.

Estos objetos se pueden encontrar en los cofres que hay por todo el reino. ¡Tendrás que explorar a fondo!


Tips for heros

Explora y observa

No tengas miedo a explorar: Stories of Bethem: Full Moon está diseñado para premiar a los jugadores que exploren el juego (o quizá para castigar a los que no lo hagan, eso lo dejamos a tu opinión). Pero recuerda que es su principal característica: la exploración sin excesiva ayuda.

Del mismo modo, puedes sacar mucha información que te hará el camino más sencillo si observas y experimentas: estudia el entorno del juego y por supuesto, usa tu memoria.

Por ejemplo, los monstruos no son todos iguales y por ello todos los hechizos no les afectan por igual. Puede que estés usando el hechizo equivocado con la Araña Ígnea y por eso te cueste tanto derrotarla.


General issues

WARNING: Information about the "Progress Jump" - v1.3.0

The issue

After talking to the Red Witch for the first time, you shouldn't be able to take the path to the West if you didn't get the first Oneiric Object. But you can do it and the result is that you'll jump the game progression a bit and your current game is altered forever if you save it.

We won't describe the consequences to not spoil other users. If you are interested, don't hesitate to contact us.

Why does this happen?

We tried to make the game opening faster for the player, so we removed a couple of irrelevant scenes with the last update. We forgot to cast the anti-bug spell and the terrible bug was born.

How to fix it

If you haven't got the first oneiric object yet and you went to the West area, consider starting a new game.

If you already got the Candle, contact us and we'll tell you what we can do to make your game as normal as possible.

Our apologies for this issue.


December-January saved files don't work

The issue

You played the game a long time ago and now it doesn't display your files.

Why does this happen?

We changed the file structure about a month after the release date. The game is ready to adapt these files into the new structure but there is a case when it fails.

With the first file structure, files could be only loaded by the same device that created them. That's the reason why we changed it, to make possible paying in other devices and use Steam Cloud.

So the game fails if you device is not the same when you played it in December-January.

How to fix it

The only way is contact us and send us your files to fix them manually.


Steam issues

The game doesn't start and Steam crashes

The issue

Some players reported us that when they start the game, this doesn't work and the Steam client crashes.

Why does this happen?

Some antivirus don't let complete the game installation (the case we know is AVAST!).

UPDATED: Seems like the game can't run with this antivirus enabled and not configured for Steam. It doesn't only interfere with the installation process.

How to fix it

Just disable your antivirus software when you're going to install and play the game or configure it to work with Steam. Before disabling it, we recommend to look for other antivirus software alternative, but the best option is configure it.

If you disable your antivirus software for playing with Steam, you should enable it when you finish to protect your PC and analice your device regularly.

Take a look at the Steam article about Programs Which May Interfere with Steam and Spyware, Malware, Adware, or Virus Interfering with Steam.


We can help!

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If you need help for our products or you want to report an issue, do not hesitate to contact us at:

We can also help in social networks.

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